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(Ref. HUM-592)
mayo 2024
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Producción científica

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Lista de congresos

O.A. Calderon Sandoval "Feminist Documentary Cinema as a Diffraction Apparatus for the Visualisation of In/Equalities", "EU Marie Curie GRACE Conference "Gender and Cultues of In/Equality in Europe: visions, poetics, strategies"", None-None, 2019
M.D.P. Villar Argaiz "New Communities of Secrecy in Contemporary Irish Women's Poetry", "The 2019 International IASIL Conference. The Critical Ground", None-None, 2019
B. Revelles Benavente "Discursos institucionales, literarios y activistas sobre la violencia de género: el caso de las niñas de Nigeria ", "Portección de la infancia en los conflictos armados desde la perspectiva de los derechos humanos", None-None, 2019
E. Serna Martínez "The Writer of the Pebble: Synecdochizing the Subaltern Community", "Canadian Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies (CACLALS): Listening and Speaking: Postcolonial Circles of Conversation. Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences", None-None, 2019
O.A. Calderon Sandoval "Propositions for Visualising In/Equalities through Documentary Cinema", "Festival Olhares do Mediterraneo. Womens Film Festival", None-None, 2019
M.D.P. Villar Argaiz "The Ethical Implications of Irish Transcultural Fiction: Roisín O'Donnell's Wild Quiet and Donald Ryan's From a Low and Quiet Sea", "XIII International AFIS Conference. Margins and Marginalities in France and/or Ireland", None-None, 2019
B. Revelles Benavente "Knowmadic pedagogies: Teaching literature through a new materialist perspective", "Feminist Teaching through emotions, affects and feelings", None-None, 2019
M.J.D.L. Torre Moreno "Orientación académica para el acceso a la universidad", "Orientación académica para el acceso a la universidad", None-None, 2019

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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